Tuesday, January 12, 2010

WOW NAGE wins Retro Pay raises for last 3 years... ZERO %

WOW those absolute wizards of bargaining and influence peddling at Burgin Parkway have done it again...... Zero % retroactive raises for 3 years..... How do they  do it?

NAGE is a laughing stock at the Statehouse and throughout state Government.... they have absolutely no respect, NO CLOUT!!!!.....you'll never see a decent contract as long as these bandits are in charge of your money.... these bums need to be run out of town

NAGE says "while not a victory"..... oh come on don't be so hard onyouselves.... not a victory.... NO KIDDING IT IS ONE HELL OF A RAW DEAL...... you look elsewhere in the Commonwealth no stand-up union is putting up with this kind of crap..... you never see the Municpal unions, or the teachers, or the MBTA unions, or the COPS unions putting up with this kind crap..... only NAGE is selling you folks down the river like this..... it's worse than having no union.....

Who needs a union at those rates...... managers have doing one hell of a lot better than bargaining unit personnel.

Just got my Ballot package..... (VOTE NO! by the way)

These sleazes collect $5.4 million per year in dues from us but they can't spend a few stinkin' bucks to provide us postage-paid envelopes for the ballots..... Unbelievable! 

Of course they're probably thinking: "Why should we spend any dues money on these stupid sheep, they'll vote for any POS contract we throw in front of them. If we were to spend any money on their election, that would be less for our salries, our junkets, our transfers to SEIU" (so they can spend $685k on advertizing for Martha Coakley!..... what the hell does any of that have to do with getting us a stinkin' 1 % raise?)

Well they've dropped their cover story about how they were negotiating (negotiation to NAGE apparently means a couple of un-returned phone calls and ignored emails..... WHAT A JOKE!!!)
.....those reimbursement details on how your going to get back that $750 deductible that the GIC just foisted on us for $35 million in savings (hey isn't that the figure the Governor and legislature needed to provide health insurance to the allegedly documented aliens?)

Here's what NAGE has to say in their disingenuous cover letter....
"What is the mechanism for reimbursing our members? How often will the reimbursements be made?... And so on. Although OTHER unions proceeded with a ratification vote without answers to these questions, we determined that the contract should not be put to our membership for a vote without some clarification of how the reimbursements would work" (Yeah, that's the ticket!).... WHAT BUNK!, here's my translation:

While the OTHER unions were negotiating we were down at a Disneyland resort knocking back cocktails with you dopes picking up the tab..... , through your dues,

Well that story served it's temporary purpose..... so "At this point, we believe we can't wait any longer...." what BS, would you buy a used car from the asshats?

VOTE NO you'll be worse off than you are now.
Repudiate these guys at NAGE that live high and mighty off your hard earned dues ($5.4m per year.) As they continue give-back after give-back..... you will only continue to worse off every year as long as these charlatans "represent" you.....

NAGE didn't even do as well as Local 509,  is getting their raise 6 months earlier than NAGE!..... NAGE ought to, at the very least, been able to get the same deal as 509!

Reject this stinkin' contract and demand the same deal that 509 got!


  1. NAGE is disgusting. Why dont you also talk about the fact that they are setting us up for another year of 0 % (2013). Does anyone actually think that after we get our promised raise on June 30 that we will get another July 1? Ill be taking my furlough days and working for the Baker campaign.

  2. What does the Baker campaign have to do with
    NAGE? And, as much as I dislike the Patrick
    administration (and that's a lot), do you
    really think that a Baker administration would
    be good for workers? No chance. Are you at
    all aware of Baker's proposals?

  3. I am aware of his proposals. Im more aware of the fact that they cannot be any worse than what Patrick has done. Would we be in this mess had Patrick not appointed all his cronies and favors to these high ranking positions? Its one thing to put people who are qualified for a position into said position. Its another to put a hack into a position because then to run said job, that hack needs to hire another hack. We're making these concessions to save F-ing 30 million dollars? Thats probly 200 or less of the Created Patrick jobs. Patrick wants his cronies and NAGE wants their Dues. This whole system sucks and NAGE sucks worse.

  4. I remember Baker\Weld .. "Privatization" refused to fund our contract 4 years with out a raise.

  5. If only I could get a section 3210 retirement pension...I would be long gone ...so far away from here!
