Sunday, January 03, 2010

Millions in Massachsuetts Tax dollars going to SEIU causes via NAGE UNits 1,3 & 6 Dues

That's right think about it..... that $5.4 million per year in dues that NAGE/SEIU is shaking down you down for..... that's TAXPAYER money..... who do you think pays your salary?

Those dues, paid for with taxpayer money.... that $47 bucks every month per employee are being shunted right into the NAGE National Treasury, where SEIU toady David J Holway then is able to transfer directly to the National his whim (well there may be some rubber stamps along the way from his hand picked toadies.....) but you poor rank & file SAPS, while getting virtually nothing in services for those dues..... you don't have a damn thing to say about it.

I'd say that the tax dollars are being laundered (through you sheeple,) but it's more like a "light rinse"..... you never really touch that money.....

After Holway and his merry band of Burgin parkway bandits have their fill of traveling and living the high-life at various resort destinations , and after they pay for the occasional million dollar legal judgments against them as a result of losing lawsuits filed against NAGE by  their own employees and those they allegedly represent.....
..... well much of what's left,  hundreds of thousands of dollars per year(often,) is transferred,to the SEIU for their ultra leftwing political agendas......... like amnesty for illegal aliens.

Check it out.....

Democrat introduces SEIU-backed illegal alien amnesty bill

By Michelle Malkin  •  December 15, 2009 11:15 AM

The SEIU needs more dues-paying members.
The open-borders lobby needs something to do.
Voila! Meet the new illegal alien shamnesty push via the Washington Times (readers: note that this is an excerpt from a NEWS story from the Times, NOT a Times editorial endorsement of amnesty!):
Democrats on Tuesday begin their new push for an immigration bill, hamstrung by the image of legalizing millions of illegal immigrant workers at a time when the unemployment rate stands at 10 percent — more than twice what it was the last time Congress tried to act.
“It certainly will confuse the debate a lot more, but at the end of the day what we have to understand is fixing this system will be good for American workers,” said Eliseo Medina, executive vice president of the Service Employees International Union, which is one of the major advocates for legalizing illegal immigrant workers.
Rep. Luis V. Gutierrez, the Illinois Democrat who has taken over leadership on the issue after the death of Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, plans to introduce an immigration legalization bill Tuesday, and backers are planning a strategy to avoid repeats of the failed attempts of 2006 and 2007.
The bill would torpedo the joint federal-local deportation program known as 287(g) and opposes beefing up our land borders with more Border Patrol agents or fencing.
SEIU has been lobbying for illegal alien amnesty as a massive membership booster all year. In May, the Purple Shirts held a pro-illegal immigration rally from Malcolm X Park to the White House to put pressure on homeland security officials to call off workplace raids (not that Janet Napolitano needed any convincing):..... to read the rest click this link

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