Saturday, April 04, 2009

State Board of Retirement-Vote Donahue

State Board of Retirement-don't throw away that ballot, check off Paul Donahue and mail it.
Mr. Donahue, the former President of MOSES, an engineer and attorney deserves your vote!

He made a daring attempt to save NAGE members from the continuing shameful performance of NAGE as a union. He provided an opportunity for NAGE members to be represented by a real democratic union.
The attempt failed and we were stuck with the self serving layabouts in NAGE that do NOTHING but take your dues and transfer millions to the national SIEU for their far left experiments in political and social engineering.
It was not Donahue's fault that the sheeple in NAGE fell prey to scare tactics from NAGE , where they repeatedly and falsely told the cow-eyed clerks in the RMV and DTA that they would lose their optical and dental benefits.
We owe him a debt of gratitude for his noble attempt to save us from ourselves.
Vote Donahue,
...and please DO NOT vote for NAGE SHILL Theresa McGoldbrick