Sunday, January 03, 2010

The 1st step in an exorcism is to NAME THE DEVIL.... here they are

Here are the Holway Toadies that have sold you down the river at the "National Convention".... they vote against your interests by allowing Holway to remain in power, to be able to siphon off 98% of your hard earned dues to do with as they please, while keeping your locals on starvation rations and rendering them unable to do anything for you.

Here are the folks that get bought off with a few drinks, a steak dinner, and a few days stay at a resort hotel..... where they don't give a good goddamn IMHO about the dues paying members back home..... they rubber stamp Holways transfers to the Purple People, the NATIONAL SEIU and their far left agendas

.... I can almost understand how social service types might delude themselves into thinking they are doing a good thing "for society", (maybe....but not for members)........

.......BUT YOU COPS????, and COURT OFFICERS????? can you look at yourselves in the mirror, how can you go along with the squandering of your members' dues on the these far left causes of the National SEIU?????schemes

Well here's the list of folks that sold us down the river at the last National Convention...... say hello to them, send them an email and tell them enough is enough..... that you want some of your dues dues money spent on YOUR INTERESTS..... here in Massachusetts!!!! Tell them you want to see a decent wage before the illegal aliens get their amnesty!

Things to watch out for at the next "convention":
Watch out the swine don't vote to:
.......Sell off the multi-million dollar real estate portfolio that NAGE owns and turn it over to the Purple People so they can buy amnesty for illegal aliens.... SEIU has an insatiable appetite for your money......and that real estate can be converted in to cash real easy....

........Increase your dues ....probably by adopting the preferred SEIU dues structure.... instead of a flat fee.....collecting a percentage of YOUR GROSS PAY!!!!.....

1 comment:

  1. Check out the new LM2s which NAGE has just filed -- they are losing members, spending money like no tomorrow, and still unresponsive to the membership. Take a clue from the good folks who took over SEIU Local 888 from Holway's significant other who had the same track record as Holway. When members get angry and get organized, we can take our union back!
