Saturday, January 16, 2010

NAGE Members 1, 3, & 6 Endorses Scott Brown for Senate

Congratulations to Scott Brown and his family.
A marvelous campaign, a stunning victory.... a real game changer.... sometimes nice guys do finish first!

Vote for Scott Brown for Senate! 
On Tuesday Jan 19th

I never thought I'd recommend a Republican, but the Obama/SEIU cabal is clearly out to destroy our healthcare system (in order to provide free health care to 27 million illegal aliens,) and they will do so at the expense of the working middle class, by increasing our taxes and reducing our medical benefits.

Do you want to see your premiums sky rocket, while coverage gets skimpier and skimpier? Do you want to see a 40% sur-tax levied on the total cost of your premiums (your cost + your employer's contribution?)

Don't believe the story being put out by the Whitehouse and SEIU.....that union members are being exempted from the 40% surcharge..... it's clearly another double cross.... they just want to trick the revolting rank & file members into voting for Coakley as they have been directed by the union bosses. (even if that provision ever makes it into the legislation, it will never pass legal muster.)

By the way..... I'm looking for the back room negotiations between the President and SEIU's Andy Stern, where they cooked up the double-cross they are using to try to gull union rank & file members to vote for Coakely..... can't find it.

So what happened to Obama's pledge that everything would be transparent, on C-SPAN, and everything on the level..... a blatant lie I guess...

If Scott Brown is elected, it may be possible to stop the ultra leftwing crowd from destroying the US Economy and the middle class...... VOTE SCOTT BROWN!

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