Thursday, November 19, 2009

VOTE NO! on the Contract amendment

You will soon be getting a contract amendment voting ballot from NAGE.
(supposed to be going out Dec 14th, I've heard)
NAGE is, once again, asking you to vote against your own interests by:

taking furlough days (which contractually you can not be made to take).... so don't take them....VOTE NO!.....

cutting your optical and dental benefits.... coverage has been shrinking every year thanks to NAGE back room deals.... what will be left, if anything, of your optical and dental plan if you volunteer to cut your benefits even further?....VOTE NO!..... don't believe any malarkey that NAGE will be putting out there about a "surplus" in the Trust Fund..... NAGE has no credibility.... they have never provided to you the members, any accounting whatsoever of the status of the Trust Fund, or how the decisions get made to continually reduce the benefits and increase the co-pays.....

Layoffs will proceed in spite of concessions made.... sorry to tell you this folks, but conceding to give away the wages and benefits you have "won" with NAGE at the bargaining table WILL NOT SAVE any of YOUR jobs..... there is not a single word in the amendment that says anything about saving any of YOUR JOBS..... VOTE NO!.....

YOU will be far worse off
than you are right now if you ratify this stinker of a contract.....
VOTE NO!.....

1 comment:

  1. The silence from NAGE is deafening!!! The fact that the NAGE leadership has chosen to ignore your stinging comments regarding the self serving (NAGE management) contract ammedment they are trying to push through! It seems to me that if they were true to their convictions they would post a response refuting your allegations!! Can this be Silence of the Lambs???
