Friday, November 27, 2009

Here's a partial List of what NAGE spends your $13.5 million in dues on...

This information is downloaded from the LM-2, an annual financial report that NAGE is required to file with the Department of Labor.....

If it wasn't for this source of info, the members would never be given any clue as to how NAGE spends their dues.... those officers never tell the members anything about how they spend your money.....

You can view this document, print it, or download it to review at your leisure. Feel free to post your comments and insights here....

Couple of highlights for FY 2008 
(FY 2009 isn't due until early 2010, of course NAGE is chronically late to file:)
$153,000 for plane fare for Holway and his cronies.... they like to travel in style.... at your expense.
$34,000 in car rental fees...... love to see the detail on this one

$223,000 for HOTEL FEES.....sweet!..... party on dudes......
$20,000 for Red Sox tickets... Hey, nothing's too expensive when you dopes are picking up the tab... GO SOX!

$159,000 for Political consultants and contributions....not doing us any good, is it folks?.... the legislature is flogging us like rented mules.....
$1,802,504 to pay for two particularly ugly judgments against NAGE one in Federal court, the other in MA superior court (good old NAGE LOST those lawsuits!).... the Dixon case, and the Pellegrino case..... doesn't exactly make you proud does it folks?.... more on those cases another time.

Now you've seen some of where your dues money goes (Hey, you certainly knew it was NOT coming back to YOU in services, didn't you?)

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