Friday, November 27, 2009

NAGE get CREATIVE! Defer the raises but have them count towards your Pension!

NAGE Incompetents are totally unable (or unwilling) to get creative at the bargaining table.

While the administration cooks up a devious (but creative!) scheme to gull you into taking pay-cuts, furloughs, cuts to optical and dental benefits, by offering some Rube-Goldberg scheme to get "reimbursed" for the increases in the cost of your healthcare benefits.... (one so "cumbersome" that most of you will never get reimbursed)

................NAGE has nothing to say except: "Duh.... We think you should go along with it.....
"....gee with an advocate like NAGE, who needs an adversary.....

....we don't need any help from NAGE to be sold down the river.....
the Legislature and the Administration are perfectly capable of handling it without NAGE's help....(though I'm sure NAGE must provide some chuckles...)

Hey NAGE here's an idea for to you bring up at the bargaining table:

Indefinitely deferred wage increases, but have them credited toward our pensions!
That is.....
OK, so the state is in temporary dire straits and can't afford to give a us a fair raise, in fact they won't even spare us from the ravages of inflation.....

OK, so we'll agree to DEFER the raises...indefinitely....hey even in perpetuity!..... but here's what we DO GET..... we get credit for those raises in the calculus of determining our pensions...AS IF the RAISES had actually been realized!.....
So the state doesn't pay anything during this temporary down turn, in fact that won't pay anything for the wages at all..... but when it's time to calculate the pension, you would get the credit, as if you actually reaped the raises..... the state benefits because the cost will deferred and spread out over a long period of time..... the employees benefit because their pension doesn't keep standing still......

Think it about NAGE, let's see you guys get creative for a change.....

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