Wednesday, November 11, 2009

NAGE DoubleSpeak, don't believe it!

I know I'm wasting my time on you sheeple, but for crying out loud, use what little brain you have and VOTE NO on this stinker of a contract amendment!

Let me highlight some of the issues I see with the proposed concessions, and the "Solid Assurances" NAGE has received

(SOLID Assurances?.... kidding right?, talk about a contradiction in terms....)

Pay cuts.....
Fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on ME
NAGE already agreed to a Zero increase in the first year of the current contract, settling for a very modest 1% in year two (which is the current year.) The raise was due to be implemented on July 1st. Now NAGE advises us that the duly executed contract will not be honored by the Commonwealth and we should now agree to a second year of no raise, and we should trust the same folks who have reneged on the current contract, that they'll actually live up their end the next time.

Preserving the total of 7% raises?
Come on now, this goes to credibility once again. The Commonwealth has just reneged on a very modest 1% increase. Do you have any reason, whatsoever, to believe they will honor 6% additional..... it will never happen..... NAGE will just be telling you again, when the time comes, that they have agreed to concede the previously negotiated raises again, and the Judas Goats will lead you to more pay concessions, furloughs, and pay cuts via benefits cut...... like sheeple to the slaughter....the pattern is pretty obviouss.

Furloughs won't take affect unless the Contract is funded?
Another fairy tale..... Do you think this means that the legislature is going to fund all three of the raises in advance?..... it's not going to happen. Perhaps, just maybe, the Legislature will agree to pass the 1% on June 30th 2010.... but you'll never see the other 6%, and yet you'll have taken your involuntary furloughs... I'm sure NAGE, and the Admin negotiators had a good laugh over the thought of the sheeple biting for this fast one.

Who's getting saved by your furlough?

There is not one word in the "Tentative Agreement" about exactly who and how many positions the furloughs are allegedly going to save ..... you might want to ask yourself.... who exactly will the furlough save (anyone you know?) how many positions and in what agencies?.... this looks like more NAGE Smoke & Mirrors folks

How about the comp-time option

NAGE can't even get standard comptime (standard comptime can be "carried" until retirement, it's not subject to "use or lose").... but the NAGE "losers" have agreed to a use or lose deadline.....WHY?..... you mean to tell me the current admins is really worried about the comptime bill coming due years down the road?.... they'll be long gone.

Meaningless blather and flummery

Suffice it to say that the remaining "solid assurances" are just a lot of BS.

Early Retirement?-- come on...."The 'State' has agreed to 'work with NAGE' to 'develop an early retirement incentive program?....what does that mean?, what is the "state"?
..... remember it's the legislature that has to create an early retirement program, and they'll have to be bound to go along with the concessions contract amendment right?, just like they went along with the1% raise in the current contract, right?, oh...that's right they didn't did they?...never mind....not going to happen.
Both the Legislature and the Administration are already on record saying very plainly that there will be NO EARLY RETIREMENT PROGRAM.... so HOW STUPID does NAGE think you are?... you are gullible sheeple.

Units 1 & 3 Recruitment issues?...what is this garbage?

Some kind of BS good enough for the sheeple in unit 1 I guess, you don't even have to tell anybody what the hell it is, or whatever comes of it (want to bet nothing?) Sounds like some kind of local spitting contest.... How about throwing in some more of that "domestic violence leave," that's usually enough to suck in the  sheeple.

"Address" the Management to employees ratios, 120 day retirees
Oh boy, that is rich.... NAGE really knocked themselves out on that one..... I'm guessing that there wasn't a dry seat in the house when Holway and OER negotiated that one.... they probably all pissed in their pants  laughing at what easy marks, the NAGE sheeple are, when you've got a real cooperative union like NAGE.
"Address the ratios.... reminds me of the old Jackie Gleason/Art Carney golf routine:..."well, go ahead and address the ball!"...."OK, Ralph old boy....." "HELLO BALL"...... that's all the admin is going to do..... "hello Management employee ratios..."

Meanwhile NAGE keeps collecting millions in dues from State Employees while delivering nothing in return....they are laughing at you all the way to bank

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