Sunday, February 28, 2010

Obama appoints Andrew Stern head of SEIU/ACORN to "deficit Commission"

Soon-to-be-one-term President Obama has appointed Andrew Stern of SEIU and ACORN fame to the newly created (by executive order) "bi-partisan commission" called the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform .... this would be laughable if it weren't such a disgrace......

Stern's vision for American Labor seems to be to have everyone (particularly those non-complaining easily manipulated illegals) in crappy paying jobs, with crappy contracts, who pay  a percentage of every stinking gross paycheck they collect as a tithing to Andrew stern and his ACORN cronies.... the man is my humble opinion...

Shows how completely out of touch with reality this President is.... bringing this ultra-leftwing nut onto the commission shows just a what joke it will be. They are supposed to report back to the President by December 2010.

Here are some tips for the President on how to bring the deficit under control.... and I won't need till next December to offer them....

1) End the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.... that's why most people voted for you.... not to destroy our health care system. Stop dumping trillion$ of dollars into to these third world cesspools.... their people don't want, nor do they deserve any more financial and military support from the US.... we've given enough. Your policies on Iraq and Afghanistan are no different from those of your predecessor, George Bush.

2) Secure the borders and prosecute employers who hire illegal aliens in order to suppress the market for legal American labor.

3) Review all foreign aid expenditures with the aim of reducing them..... we can't afford to borrow money only to give it away to other countries.

Item number one alone will go along way to stanch the bleeding of our tax dollars....

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