Friday, February 26, 2010

Here's Something NAGE will never give the members... Financial reports

When it comes to the lowly dues paying members...NAGE practices "mushroom management" .....they keep the members in the dark and feed them bullshit.

Have any of you members ever received a financial report?, or any other accounting of what they do with the million$ in dues they collect from you poor suckers?

NOOooooo! They don't want to you to see how they spend your dues jetting around the country, and living it up at Disney World and Jasper Whites...... They don't want you to see the million dollar judgment$ against them in civil lawsuits brought by former member and employees.

Well, what NAGE refuses to share with the dues paying members I will provide:

In this 1st installment I'm providing a spreadsheet which consolidates many of the sections of the 2009 LM-2, the report that NAGE must file every year with the Department of Labor pursuant to the LMRDA...

In future postings I'll be providing all the LM-2s going back to FY 2000....

Here the FY 2009 LM-2, you can download it and view it for yourself... payer/payee reports, officers and employee salaries...etc.
.... all in one convenient package

1 comment:

  1. So much for Pres for life. Off to Obamaville for the real life Robin Hood.
