Wednesday, August 03, 2011

MORE HOLWAY-NAGE Lies! VOTE NO on more concessions!

Included in your ballot package is yet another BIG LIE from that lying sack of shit Dave Holway.
".... the recent SJC decison rejecting Evergreen clauses leaves state employees vulnerable to the whims of the adminsitration..... blah, blah, blah"

Here they would have you idiots believe that if the contract expires you'll lose all your union language protections..... FOLKS this is utter NONSENSE meant to scare you ignorant sheep into voting for this shitty concession contract, don't fall for it.

Here, in pertinent part is what the Chief Counsel for the Labor Relations Dept has to say about it:
Since the Supreme Judicial Court issued the above-referenced decision, the Division has received numerous questions from both management and labor representatives, concerning the effect of the decision on the parties' bargaining obligations under M.G.L. c. 150E. Under the circumstances, the Division has determined that it is in the public interest to provide management and labor representatives with a clear and consistent summary of case law relevant to the most frequently asked questions.

A. Is an employer permitted to make unilateral changes to mandatory subjects of bargaining once a contract expires?
No. It is well established that public employers are prohibited from making unilateral changes in established conditions of employment that affect mandatory subjects of bargaining both during the term of the collective bargaining agreement and after it
Town of Chatham, 28 MLC 56, 58 (2001) (citing Chatham I, 21 MLC 1526, 1529 (1995) and cases cited therein, including National Labor Relations Board v. Katz, 369 U.S. 736, 743 (1962)).
Established terms and conditions of employment in effect at the time the contract
expires constitute the status quo. The status quo cannot be altered without satisfying the obligation to bargain in good faith
. Town of Chatham, 28 MLC at 58 (Town violated the Law when it unilaterally ceased its practice of continuing to advance step and longevity increases during the hiatus after the expiration of the parties' collective bargaining agreement without first bargaining with the Union to resolution or impasse).
To identify the terms and conditions of employment that are in effect when the contract expires, the CERB looks both to the relevant provisions of the expired contract and the established practice between the parties.
You can see and download the referenced legal opinion here....
on this page

don't take my word for it, but especially don't listen to the lying sacks of shit at NAGE/ACORN.

SO what is NAGE REALLY Afraid of?.... VERY SIMPLE:

WHEN THE CONTRACT EXPIRES they become vulnerable to a raid by another union.... sign a few interest cards and then there will be a decertification election held, that could finally rid state employees of these lying self serving ACORN scum!

They are on the verge of losing thousands of court and probation officers who have had enough of their lies.... there is a decertification election pending. 

That brothers and sisters is what they are afraid of.... they just gave themselves obscene dues increases..... you will be seeing your dues double and eventually triple.... that might be enough to wake up even you stupid sheep.

That's why they are trying to sell you down the river and talk you into voting to give back the raises that you already have in your pockets..... for Christ sakes WAKE UP! 

What they are really trying to "LOCK IN" is themselves into the gravy train they've got going for THEMSELVES...... VOTE NO!!!!!


  1. Paul Walsh19 August, 2011

    I was told only 35% of the membership cast a vote

    98% was in favor of the contract extention

    What dose it say when 65% of the membership dosen't even vote

  2. National President David Holway this week announced that NAGE will hold dues for Trial Court members steady at their current rate until at least June of 2014.

    With this latest agreement, Trial Court members will have paid the same dues rate for almost a decade and will remain well below national averages.

    Better Contract Less Dues... Any openings ??

  3. This is absolutely true and we have proof in writing that Holway claims he received permission from the International to keep MA Trial Court members rates the same until at least June, 2014! What happened to the 1.5% of the gross salary dues increase voted on by the delegates at the 2010 convention? Are other NAGE members from Units 1,3 or 6 or tohers paying the 1.5%? I yes, why wouldn't you complain and protest this inequity? E-mail me at to reespond! Thanks so much! Best wishes!
