Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Funding for the "FIRST PHASE" of the contract in House 4572?

What the hell does that mean?    Can't these idiots get anything straight?
Is it just careless language and they meant to say the CONTRACT is Funded?...... or are they carefully parsing their words.
.....Perhaps they know that the promised 1% funding for next year (the whole year not just one day) will not be included int the FY11 budget...... these scum are so untrustworthy.....

Dear Prez Holway:
Considering we are paying you a quarter million $ per year for doing next to nothing.... we'd like you to reassure us that Next Years budget will include full year of funding for our stinking 1% raise ....that is, without any underhanded trickery....like having to wait for some sleight of hand "reserve" to be separately appropriated....(or never appropriated.)

Can't you dopes just come clean and play it straight with the members for once?

By the way, Ray McGrath, that way-over-paid loser "lobbyist" would like to you to do his job for him by calling your reps..... What do you think you are being paid for, loser?.... get your fat ass over to the Statehouse, find out what's going, and report back..... if you can tear yourself away from giving your disabled brother a neck massage.....

Here's the supp budget if you want to read through it....click on the download icon. It contains some other interesting provisions like NO-Bid contracts for designers..... reminds me of the old McKee Berger & Mansueto (good ole days of pay-offs and bribery by designers of the UMASS Boston... when designers got selected by the weight of the paper bag they were carrying, instead of by the Designer Selection Board. ) ......we going to need another Ward Commission?.... or what.
....and a lot of mysterious provisions concerning the state Pension Fund and the Boston Teachers retirement.... someone ought to look into this stuff....


  1. $25,810 ??? confidential positions ???
    I don't see our 1% listed. If the average NAGE
    emoloyee makes 50K, 1% is 500 bucks, the 25,800
    would only fund 51 raises

  2. It's only 1 day of 1%.... that's why it only takes $25k to pay for it......

  3. Who will profitt from the Union Store

    I just looked up the Canon Powershot A1100
    $188.50 from the Union Store.

    Google it # 3444B001, most places have it for $129.00
