Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Speaking of Holiday Parties.... Jasper White's Summer Shack

....its Dave Holway's favorite watering hole here in the frozen North ( the land of the endangered cash-cow Mass State employee.)

Yes I'm sure the Burgin Parkway Bandits will be having their annual Christmas Party at Dave's favorite: Jasper White's Summer Shack.....
..........once again paid for with your dues (no members need apply for admission) ....they don't want anything to do with you, except your dues money.

Last year they spent $17,987 dollars on their private little X-Mass party.... or the "Childrens Christmas Party" as they've taken to reporting it on the LM-2..... RIGHT?!!!!..... 

........AND they have the sheer gall to CATEGORIZE THIS $17,897 Christmas Party EXPENSE as a "REPRESENTATIONAL ACTIVITY".... you've got to be kidding me!

.......and here
I keep complaining that NAGE doesn't spend any of our dues actually representing the interests of State Employees.....OH, I guess I never thought of a dues funded  drinking party as having anything to do with representing my interests.... 

......especially when the Commonwealth is cutting our pay, cutting our benefits, and flouting our signed contract..... 

.......NAGE accomplishes nothing about any of that, but you bet your bippy they'll be having their Christmas party....and we pick up the tab!.....

......and they'll still be sporting those tans they worked on while down at Disney land last week.... what a good life these folks have at our expense..... zero accountability must be nice....for them!

While we settle for gathering around the conference room table at lunch time to share dutch-treat pot luck snacks and pizza and to discuss our impending NAGE engineered furloughs....

.......the "officers and employees" at NAGE will be enjoying another sumptuous Christmas Party at the world famous Jasper White's in Cambridge......
......for $17,987 I think it's fair to assume it also includes OPEN BAR.... Whooo- Hooooo! Party hardy dudes

Does anybody know the DATE?....POST IT Here, maybe we'll crash and have Dave by us a few drinks with our own money!

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