Tuesday, December 19, 2006

NAGE thumbs nose at LMRDA Annual Report Deadline .... again

The NAGE LM-2 (Financial Disclosure) report is due at the Department of Labor 90 days after the close of the reporting union's fiscal year.

The NAGE fiscal year closed on August 31, 2006 making the LM-2 report due by November 29, 2006.

It's filed electronically, on-line and can be downloaded on the DOL Public disclosure web site.

The NAGE Report is not yet available.... what a surprise. I'm sure they've been too busy getting ready for this year's staff Xmas party...to bother with the federally mandated reporting... The Burgin Parkway Bandits didn't get around to filing last year, until May......... what's that? six months late?

Let's see what the scoff-laws do this year, how late will it be?..... well, you'd almost think they have something to hide....

What Things may we find out from the LM-2 (when it's finally filed)...hmmmm?

1) What did it cost us in hard earned dues to throw a good time for the "hardly -workin" NAGE HQ staff at THEIR (as opposed ot OUR) Xmas party ?...., (it was $12,400 for a good time at Jasper White's in 2005..... do you think Cambridge Dave was able to out-do that soiree in 2006 ?)

2) What was the Tab for the NAGE support of Level 4 Reilly, the NAGE endorsed candidate for governor in the democratic primary.... how much did we dump supporting Reilly while idiot Holway was going out of his way to insult Governor-elect Deval Patrick..... way to go Holway, you dope....
....by the way, would you please confine yourself to worrying about getting me a decent contract for a change and leave things like who's going to be ambassador to Netherlands up to the real big-shots in Washington.... you tomato-nosed fly-weight! And don't pull your usual Judas Goat Act, low-balling the NAGE members and leading the bargaining units in race to the bottom....

3) How much did it cost us to pay for Holway's defense in DC as result of that fracas started by the wronged local?.... no award of legal fees to NAGE because the Judge couldn't really conclude that that the charges made by the aggrieved local were frivolous (unlike the some of the cases filed by NAGE HQ)

4) How obscene were the raises Pres for life Holway granted to himself and his cronies (I'm gonna stick my neck out here and guess he didn't sell himself and his toadies down the river for 2% raises, with off-setting cuts in Health benefits and increases in premiums to boot.... like he did to the State Employees)

5) How many more settlements (pay-offs) did NAGE have make in response to lawsuits like the mystery of the $100K it cost us for a pay-off to Celia Olaes and William F. Sink in Honolulu, HI in 2005.....

6) More general financial evidence proving that NAGE is operated for the benefit of of Holway and his merry band (at the expense of the membership), and that the interests of the dues paying members are the furthest things from their minds and their expense accounts.
I'll keep you posted........


  1. It's great to see you posting again but some of your evidence is ten years old! Keep the focus on hollway not lyons.

  2. Nothing's changed in ten years..... Holway is the new Lyons. The story is as relevant today as it was in 1995....
    Most of the membership has no idea how NAGE really operates.
    All they ever see is the self-congratulatory pap published by NAGE

    The undemocratic secretive and dictatorial struture of NAGE is the issue, not the identity of the current dictator.

    Anyone, given unbridled power with zero acountability will tend to operate the union for their own personal pleasure and enrichment.... whether the name be Lyons or Holway....

  3. NAGE's members in the courts are currently being courted by NEPBA. I also hear they sent a kiss-off letter to the clerical members they were trying to get from OPEIU in the courts? How much money did they spend on that fiasco and how much are they going to lose if they lose the court officers? Can we get someone, anyone -- MOSES, NEPBA, OPEIU -- to send us cards so we can leave, too?
