Sunday, October 22, 2006

Livin' Large at Burgin Parkway....

Here are the top pay-outs for the NAGE luminaries at Burgin Parkway. While these fat-cats spend your dues money like drunken sailors on crapola like transfer payments to the SIEU Fight for Future!.....

You MEMBERS are ignored, cheated out of fair representation at the bargaining table, and insulted with a constant stream of give-backs, below the cost of living salary adjustments, and health-care benefit cuts....

All the while, at NAGE HQ, they are living large at your expense....

They have been laughing at you for years.... it's time to start paying attention...... vote these miscreants out!

Keep checking in, I've got plenty more opinion and information articles to be shared.... some you'll see here soon:

From the Files of the BullShit Police
In this column I'll be reviewing past issues of the the NAGE Reporter (the rag that is the preferred propaganda sheet for NAGE ).... I'll be pointing out the BULLSHIT that NAGE likes to publish and pass off for the truth .....

....... I was Working the weekend-shift out of "bunko", and I was musing on the role BS plays in our lives... We all know bullshit is a way of life in the public sector... the thing is, it's usually harmless and even entertaining... it works out because no-one is able to monopolize the discussion, BS naturally attracts those who speak up for the other point of view, people can hear both sides and make up their own mind....BS is neutralized....

........ but once in while an outfit comes along, that is so self-serving, so cowardly and corrupt..., that they have to monopolize the discourse by making sure all communication is one-way-only, via in-house propoganda organs.... They are too gutless to face the membership in an open meeting.... where they'd have to answer for what they've done..... such an outfit is NAGE.

When I see that, I have to step in and call it for what it is , that's my job, I carry a badge.


Here I'll provide all the DOL reports in convenient Excel format so you can download them and perform your own analysis.

NAGE Contract salaries adjusted for Inflation

I'll be applying the Massachusetts Implicit Price Deflator to the history of NAGE contract salary adjustments... I have a strong suspicion that I'll find we are a lot worse off today than we were 15 or twenty years ago.... since NAGE contracts just keeps getting worse under David "Judas Goat"Holway.....
.....we'll see what the NAGE give-backs have done to us in "constant dollars".... just how far down the river have you been sold?

And more......


  1. NAGE (HOLWAY) - synonyms -

    PARASITE, SYCOPHANT, TOADY, LEECH, SPONGE mean a usually obsequious flatterer or self-seeker. PARASITE applies to one who clings to a person of wealth, power, or influence or is useless to society (a jet-setter with an entourage of parasites). SYCOPHANT adds to this a strong suggestion of fawning, flattery, or adulation (a powerful prince surrounded by sycophants). TOADY emphasizes the servility and snobbery of the self-seeker (cultivated leaders of society and became their toady). LEECH stresses persistence in clinging to or bleeding another for one's own advantage (a leech living off his family and friends). SPONGE stresses the parasitic laziness, dependence, and opportunism of the cadger (a shiftless sponge, always looking for a handout).

  2. Greg Sorozon hangs up on members, and when he condescends to actually speak to us unwashed masses he is insulting and dismissive. He treats the membership like he is a king and they are something he needs to scrape off his shoe. How does one impeach a unit president? His toady Dan Messia is even worse. Power has correputed these two.
