Friday, May 14, 2010

Ray McGrath can't get Unit 1,3&6 contracts funded....but....

He does alright for himself... he managed to get one of those "sweet-heart" deals/special legislation FOR HIMSELF allowing him to accrue creditable service towards his retirement ...even though he was not working as a cop..... just a full time toady for NAGE/IBPO.

.....the other Worcester cops had to actually put their asses on the line in order to accrue creditable service.... Not good Ole Ray, he only had to put his fat ass on a bar stool...or his barca lounger at his  Burgin Parkway offices (see the legislation below for the period in question...)

......he managed to pull that off..... but he can't get us a stinkin'  1/2 % raise.....

Ray collects well over $100k per year of your hard earned dues ..... we support this pant-load.... and his main accomplishments seem to be to kiss Holway's ass and live off the fat of the land.

.....When it comes to legislative affairs.... he does well for himself.... but for the members?.... we get stugats!....

Be it enacted, etc., as follows:
SECTION 1. Raymond McGrath, a police officer of the city of Worcester, shall, while on leave of absence from his position as police officer for the city of Worcester for the purpose of acting as a full-time representative of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, be considered, for the purposes of chapter thirty-two of the  General Laws, to be on leave of absence without pay. He shall receive credit in the Worcester retirement system for service from February first, nineteen hundred and eighty-four to December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and eighty-seven, inclusive. This period of creditable service will be dependent upon his contribution to the annuity savings fund of the retirement system of the city of Worcester, the amount which he would have contributed to said fund had he remained in the service of the city of Worcester as a police officer for the applicable period pursuant to subsection three of section three of said chapter thirty-two of the General Laws.
No retirement allowance under said chapter thirty-two will become effective for him until he has paid
to the annuity savings fund of the Worcester retirement system, a make-up payment, calculated with interest, for the amount equal to that which he would have been withheld as regular deductions from the regular compensation he would have earned during the applicable period pursuant to said subsection three.
He shall be entided (sic) to all benefits and privileges, except the payment of salary, (WHOA! does that mean he accrued vacation time and sick time?....sweet!) as provided under chapters thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two and thirty-two A of the General Laws, during the leave of absence.
SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved September 15, 1992.

While we all sit around year after year without contracts, (and when one finally passes it's concessions with  NO retro pay ) Ray  enjoying meetings in Florida resorts, and generally taking good care of himself?...... or what. he's NOT feathering his own nest or working on give-backs ad concessions from the members, or failing to prevent the erosion of our health insurance benefits.... just what does the grossly over-paid Mr. McGrath spend all his time on?.....
....who knows, but some of the time he's out there for malingerers.....getting legislation filed that would allow them to malinger in private.... that Gonzalez cop that was just indicted (unlike McGrath's brother Dave whose disability claim case was referred to  Marsha Coakley (after surveillance tapes allegedly showed him performing heavy yard work, causing him to withdraw his disability claim...)

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